
[lecture & workshop] K History Schoolhouse (4.29 ~ 5.18.)


민족문제연구소&좋은세상연구소 협력

K History Schoolhouse
– 기간: 2024.4.29 ~ 5.18. 매주 토요일 10:00~12:30
– 장소: 식민지역사박물관 5층 강의실

헨리 임 연세대 교수, 김동춘 좋은세상연구소 소장, 서재정 소피아대교수가 진행하는 “영어” 강좌와 답사를 통해 한반도 분단과 끝나지 않은 전쟁의 역사을 배우고 평화, 정의, 연대의 우정을 쌓는 프로그램입니다.

다양한 국적의 영어사용자를 위한 프로그램으로, 관심있는 유학생, 한국 거주 외국인분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

Collaboration between the Center for Historical Truth and the Justice the Good Society Institute

K History Schoolhouse

– Duration: April 29, 2024, to May 18, 2024. Every Saturday from 10:00 to 12:30
– Location: Lecture Room, 5th floor of the Museum of Japanese Colonial History in Korea

Join us for a program facilitated by Professor Henry Em from Yonsei University, Dong-choon Kim, Director of the Good Society Institute, and Professor Seo Jae-jeong from Sophia University. Through English-language classes and field trips, participants will learn about the history of the Korean Peninsula’s division and the ongoing war, fostering friendships based on peace, justice, and solidarity.

This program welcomes participants from diverse nationalities who are English speakers, including international students and foreigners residing in Korea. We encourage your enthusiastic participation.